Welcome to our Bristol School Community!
We know families have many questions throughout the year. Below are a few tips to help everyone start the school year ready for learning! More information about busing, cell phone use, extra-curriculars, food service accounts, school attire, school rules, etc. can all be found in the Student Handbook located under Families and Students.
Arrival and Dismissal:
Children should arrive at school no more than 20 minutes before classes begin unless proper supervision has been arranged with a staff member. Students need to arrive no earlier than 7:20am. For safety reasons, all school doors will be locked until 7:20 am.
Students are to be in their assigned classroom seats when the bell rings at the start of the school day at 7:35am. Students who are not in their assigned seats by 7:35am will be considered tardy. All school doors will be locked at 7:35 am. All arrivals after 7:35am will need to go through Door #2 and sign in. A parent or guardian is expected to sign the child(ren) in at the School Office.
Students are not to leave the school grounds after arrival in the morning.
We want our afternoon pick-up time to be as safe as possible for everyone. Reduce your speed on the street and in the parking lot. Please obey all signage and staff directions, follow the pickup line procedures, and always be alert for adults and children in the parking lot area.
If there is any circumstance in which a student will be dropped off at a stop that is not their scheduled stop or taking a different bus, parents/guardians need to send a written request with your child at least a day in advance of the change. Requests should be brought to the main office for administrative approval. This is necessary for safety reasons.
Absences, Tardiness and Attendance:
All absences must be reported to school each day by 8:45 am. Absences can be reported in any of the following ways:
1) Online: Skyward: Family Access
2) Email: attendance@bristol.k12.wi.us
3) Phone: 262-857-2334, option 2.
Our goal is for your child to arrive at school by 7:30 am regardless of his/her grade. When a child is tardy, a parent or guardian is expected to sign their child in at the School Office (door #2).
Registration information and school supply lists are available on the School tab along with the school calendar.
Questions? Please contact the Bristol School Office at 262-857-2334 for assistance.